
Bread And Butter Service In The Restaurants


Bread And Butter Service

Bread and Butter service is a very important step for making the Guest experience memorable in the Restaurant Industry. That’s why in the post we will write about it as it’s important to have good product knowledge and master all the techniques. Down below we will discuss the two main types of bread and butter service, including bread service at the table, bread service from a tray, all the steps, key points, and all the techniques behind it.

Bread And butter service can be simple, by placing the bread on the table for the Guests to help themselves. Or it can be more elaborate as in the silver service of bread. Whichever type best suits your restaurant, the purpose is to provide the Guest with something to nibble on before their main meal and quiet the initial rumbling in their stomachs.

1. Serving Bread On The Table

Bread-Board-Bread-Service Bread And Butter Service In The Restaurants
Bread And Butter Service

Let’s have a look at the first type of bread service, serving bread on the table. The key points to remember in this type of bread service are:

  • Accompaniments
  • Placing
  • Clearing The Bread Board

Let’s discuss more details on key points.


In the bread and butter service, keep in mind that bread should be always served with appropriate bread accompaniments, such as butter, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar. If your restaurant has a style of service where bread accompaniments aren’t already on the table, make sure to bring these items with the bread. This is to avoid having your Guest sitting there without anything to add to the bread. Remember that we must always think two steps ahead. Also, make sure once you deliver the bread with the accompaniments, there is enough space on the table to place the breadboard. This will save you the trouble of making space for them while you carry all the items in one hand. There is nothing worse than having to ask your guests to make space for you because you have failed to plan and make space available.


Now let’s have a look at placing the breadboard correctly. Now that the accompaniments are on the table and there is space, you can deliver the bread. A great touch before bringing out the bread is to ensure that there are equal numbers of Guests and bread. For example, if you have two guests don’t bring 5 pieces of bread as they will end up staring at the last piece, wondering who should take it. Ensure also that you will place the bread in a position on the table that it’s easy for Guests to access. This means that the plate should be close to the Guest’s side plate. If there is a lady at the table with men, place the plate closer to the lady. This is similar to serving ladies first, by allowing them to reach the bread first. For big tables, you may need more than one plate of bread to ensure that everyone will be able to enjoy some of it.


Lastly, let’s finish the bread and butter service by clearing the breadboard. If the Guests have finished all the bread, you should ask them if they would like more. If so, bring another serving and more bread accompaniments if necessary. If the guests do not like any more bread, remove the bread dish and bread accompaniments, as well as the side plates. This will help to create more space for the guests which will make them feel more comfortable.

2. Bread Baskets And Trays

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When it comes to bread and canape service in restaurants, you must know that a very popular style of bread service is serving bread using bread in a basket, or a tray. In this style of service, the bread is not placed on the table but is rather presented to the guest. This way you are inviting the guest to make a choice and select the bread that looks most delicious to them. You are simply presenting and offering the bread to the guests and they will just take the bread with their hands. U can also serve the bread using tongs.

Let’s have a look into the key points of this type of bread service as below:

  • Fetch
  • Serve
  • Clear

Fetch The Bread Accompaniments

Make sure that you have placed the bread accompaniments such as butter, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar on the table before the bread is served.

Present And Serve The Bread

Present the bread to the guests and explain what type of bread it is. When doing it, use words that will make the bread sound good to eat. For example, “Crispy”, “Worm”, and “Fresh”. If your guests are in the middle of a conversation when you want to present the bread, rather than interrupting them, place one of each type of bread onto their side plate. This way they will be able to continue their conversation and will also be able to choose which bread they would like to enjoy. Since you obviously can’t use your hands to share the bread, ensure you have a tong with you.

In case you don’t know make sure that the plate for bread and butter service is always on the left side of the guest as obviously when you will be serving to them the bread basket has to be served from the left as would be easier to place the bread directly to their left side dish. So remember, when serving bread from a tray or basket, offer the Guest the bread from their left-hand side as this allows them to place it onto their side plate easily. Remember to hold the bread in your left hand when serving from the left, so that you have good, open buddy language towards your Guests. Depending on how the tables in your restaurant are laid out it might not be possible to serve from the Guest’s left-hand side. For example, if the table is against the wall, in this case, it is best to serve from the right. Make sure when this happens, you still hold the bread in your left hand and tongs in your right.

Clear The Bread Accompaniments

This procedure is the same as with bread service on the table. When guests are finished with their bread, just as in bread service at the table, of them some more bread. If they decline, make sure to remove all the bread accompaniments and the side plates to create more space. Guests might change their minds and ask for more bread when you have already removed the side plates and accompaniments. If this happens, simply bring them some more bread, side plates, butter, olive oil, and balsamic vinegar. This applies across all styles of bread service and if your guests request to have bread at a later stage, simply bring them what they are asking for in the particular style of service that you are offering.

By the end of this post, you should be able to have a better understanding and knowledge of bread and butter service in your restaurant. Follow the key points we mentioned above and you will be more confident and your guests will have a better “fine dining” service experience.

All the images in this post are not copyrighted and have been taken by the author of this post.

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The founder and owner of Hotels & Hoteliers. A hotelier with over 15 years of experience working in different international branded Hotels. My Expertise is mainly in Food & Beverages and Front Office.



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